
March 15, 2012

Skandinavian Airlines Design Competition – Vote for My Cup!

by Anders Arhoj

Remember when I designed the Umamimart travel mug back in 2010? Well, this spring Scandinavian Airlines (SAS as we call it in Denmark) called for submissions from designers to redesign their cardboard cups for tea and coffee, during air travel across the globe. They serve 70,000 customers in the air every day (!). You see, when I’m […]

August 25, 2010

Happy Hour: The Devil’s Idle Hands

by Payman Bahmani

“Idle hands are the Devil’s tools.” -Some historic hotard It’s a rare thing for me to have down time these days, but after a very frenzied summer, I’ve stumbled upon a bit of unstructured time which quite frankly scares me. Naturally, I found a way to get into some trouble. Today’s cocktail, which I call […]

August 18, 2010

Happy Hour: Cherry Samba

by Payman Bahmani

Since returning from New Orleans it seems like the pace of my life has only sped up, so I was thankful to be able to take a breather last week and have Kayoko fill in for me with an awesome post about Savoy Night at The Alembic in San Francisco. Truth be told, I would […]

August 5, 2010

Happy Hour: Tales Recap Pt. 6 (New Amsterdam Gin Competition, Spirited Awards Winners, Lessons for Next Time, and Final Farewell)

by Payman Bahmani

PREFACE: Tales of the Cocktail Recap Part 1 Tales of the Cocktail Recap Part 2 Tales of the Cocktail Recap Part 3 Tales of the Cocktail Recap Part 4 Tales of the Cocktail Recap Part 5 Alas my friends, as all good things eventually come to an end, so did this year’s Tales of the Cocktail, […]

July 30, 2010

Happy Hour: Tales of the Cocktail Recap Pt. 2 (my liver will make yours quiver)

by Payman Bahmani

PREFACE Tales Recap Part 1 Anticipating that I’d have a hangover the size of a punch bowl, and knowing that I’d be competing as a finalist in the Catdaddy Bar Chef Challenge in the afternoon of my second day at Tales of the Cocktail, I intentionally lightened my schedule to allow some breathing room.  In the […]