Mars Iwai Tradition Whisky (BTL 750ml)
Only 4 in stock
This whisky boasts a bouquet of flavor including sherry, caramel, beeswax, malt, green apple, and a pop of ginger in the ending with a little bit of salty smoke on the palate. Enjoy this versatile sipping whisky neat, on the rocks, or in a Rob Roy.
Mars Shinshu Distillery has the highest altitude of all the distilleries in Japan. Situated in Nagano (the Japanese Alps, where the newest season of Terrace House is filmed) at an elevation of over 2600 feet, the temperature drops to 5°F. With fresh, ample snowfall, Mars Shinshu Distillery is situated in an ideal place for whisky production.
- Distilled in Nagano, Japan by Mars Shinshu Distillery
- Mash Bill: 75% malted barley, and 25% corn
- ABV 40%
- Barrels: ex-bourbon, red wine, sherry
- 25.3 fl oz (750ml)