Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

A full-bodied junmai that's ricey, nutty with a hint of coconut. A big personality sake that comes in a pint-sized package – very much like the daruma character itself which embodies the image of the Bodhidharma.

One cup sakes are perfect for taking on a picnic, a game, or alongside takeout.


  • Brewed in Oita, Japan by Kayashima Sake Brewery
  • Tokubetsu Junmai
  • ABV 15% / SMV: -1.5 / Acidity: 1.4
  • 6 oz (180ml)
  • 6-pack BTL
    Please note: We can not deliver alcoholic products to ND, SD, NH, UT, MI, MS, KY, AK.