Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match


 This bottle is a Sake Gumi Selection. It was featured in "Flower Power" September 2024!


It’s time for a temaki party! This light sake is made to pair with raw fish and vinegared rice. Hosokawa-san of the Amabuki says they use strawberry flower and queen of the night flower yeasts because “Both of them create a lot of malic acid, which results in a very refreshing taste.” This lighter style complements rich red fish, like maguro in particular, and also balances the tartness of sushi rice. I especially loved it with ikura! “The Queen of the Night is large with pure white color, shaped like long, narrow petals arranged in a starburst pattern with multiple layers,” he explains, “It has a strong, sweet, and intoxicating fragrance.” Enjoy this sake chilled in a flute or wine glass, sushi or a caprese salad – both perfect summer dinner ideas.


  • Brewed in Saga, Japan by Amabuki Shuzo
  • Junmai
  • Seimaibuai (rice kernel remaining): Saga no Hana 60%
  • ABV: 15% / SMV: -- / Acidity: --
  • 24 fl oz (720ml)

Flavor Profile Chart

SMV: -2, Acidity: 1.4 Flavor Profile Chart for Amabuki I Love Sushi Junmai (BTL 720ml)

Pairing Suggestions

  • cheese
  • turnip
  • strawberry

Glassware Suggestions

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