Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Ichinojo is made with 2.5 times the amount of sugar that is normally used for their flagship bottle. Production Manager Hiroyuki Kitei says they change the production depending on the condition of the raw materials and state of fermentation. A sip of Ichinojo is like taking a nose-dive into a bowl of dark raw kokuto sugar, with notes full of chocolate, purple fruit, custard, and roasted bananas. I love this with soda with hiyashi chuka (ramen salad) or a smothered porkchop with my father-in-law’s beans (ask me for the simple recipe!). Or have a nightcap on the rocks with a piece of dark chocolate. This bottle debuted in 2001, and Kitei-san named it Ichinojo (first brew) since it was his first release. All labels are handwritten by Kitei-san.


  • Distilled on Amami Island Japan by Asahi Brewery
  • Distilled from Estate grown kokuto (black sugar) andThai rice koji (rice koji) 
  • ABV 25% / Koji: Black (rice) / Distillation: Atmospheric age 
  • Age: Enamal tanks 1-2 years
  • 24 fl oz (720ml)
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