Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

A dynamic barley genshu (tank strength) for those looking for a grain-forward, complex shochu with a long palate-ride and ample spice. We get delectable, buttery cinnamon-sugar toast which dissolves into sesame, green pepper, and a touch of fresh blackberry on the finish. The high ABV on this makes it perfect in a cocktail, or just enjoy it with a healthy amount of club soda and ice. Anything goes with this shochu. 


  • Distilled in Miyazaki, Japan by Watanabe Shuzo
  • Distilled from 100% Ehime mannenboshi mugi (barley) and mugi koji (barley koji)
  • Koji: White (barley) 
  • Distillation: Atmospheric 
  • ABV:
  • Age:
  • 24 oz (720 ml)
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