Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Experience the functionality and beauty of an authentic Takayama Chasen. The Takayama region in Nara is famous for its chasen (matcha whisk) craftsmanship for hundreds of years. This particular chasen is made with Shichiku (purplish black bamboo). The tips of the prongs are oval-shaped, resulting in a chasen that is used in formal tea ceremonies. The Tanimura family kindly finished these chasen with thread featuring Umami Mart's signature red.

The Tanimura family has been making chasen for 530 years. Yasaburo Tanimura is the 25th generation chasen maker. The family business employs 30 people, but they only complete 20 chasen per day as it requires numerous steps, all requiring handmade techniques. On the other hand, chasen made outside of Japan, on the other hard, skip the curing method (and thus require a desiccant packet in its packaging), is curled using heat, and is chemically treated for cosmetic purposes.

The Tanimuras cure the bamboo in their shed for two years, and curl each whisk by hand (not with heat). There are also no bleaching or chemicals applied to the bamboo, leaving the "imperfections" of the bamboo for the user to see and appreciate.

We visited Suikaen Tanimura Chasen in spring of 2023 – read all about it here

A satisfied customer sent us the following review, "Thank you for stocking this beautiful chasen! I just used it and it is light, flexible and makes fine bubbles for matcha, excellent!" - Andrea 


  • Dimensions: 2-1/4"D x 4"H
  • Material: Bamboo; thread
  • Made in Nara, Japan