Umami Mart Registry
RSVP on Facebook

This year, we'll be celebrating our 7 year anniversary in our NEW LOCATION at 4027 Broadway! We love this neighborhood and need to break in our space in true Umami Mart grandeur. Help us make this our home by joining the festivities!

Matsuri is our biggest party of the year, and as always we're inviting our favorite food + drink friends to join the festivities, as well as Emeryville Taiko for entertainment. Banzai!

with Nikka Whisky
Den Sake Brewery
Hitachino Beer
Nankai Shochu
Stonemill Matcha
Suntory All-Free
Emeryville Taiko

WHEN: Saturday, July 27, 12-4pm

WHERE: Umami Mart
4027 Broadway, Oakland

ADMISSION: Free. All ages welcome!

Tell all your friends + family to meet you at Matsuri! RSVP on our Facebook page.