Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Yoko and Kayoko have visited Hakkaisan a few times and are always in awe of how much care goes into their sake-making. All of their sakes use spring water from the Hakkaisan Mountain, called Raiden-sama no mizu or "water of the god Raiden." This is the hallmark of their sake: clean, easy to drink, and food friendly.

This clean but authoritative Hakkaisan Tokubetsu Junmai is a "best performance" sake thanks to its easy price and versatile food pairing ability. 


  • Brewed in Niigata, Japan by Hakkaisan Brewery
  • Tokubetsu Junmai
  • Seimaibuai (rice kernel remaining): Gohyaku Mangoku 60%
  • ABV 15.5% / SMV: +1 / Acidity: 1.3
  • 24 fl oz (720ml)
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