Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Enjoy spirits neat, on the rocks, or within cocktails in these handsome glasses, featuring the traditional yarai (diamond-cut) pattern at the base of each glass. This glass has a nice heavy base that perfectly accommodates one spherical ice ball

Made with Toyo-Sasaki's signature Hard Strong glass-strengthening technology, they're utterly durable and dishwasher safe.

Testimony by an Umami Mart customer:

“I dropped a Hard Strong glass on my granite counter top, then it bounced into my steel sink and nothing happened! I saw it with my own eyes in slow motion, sure it was going to shatter during the tumble. These are truly Hard Strong!”

Read about our visit to the Toyo-Sasaki Glass factory in Chiba, Japan.


  • Use for: Old Fashioneds and other cocktails, straight spirits
  • Comes with: Six glasses
  • Capacity: 12 oz / 370 ml
  • Dimensions: 4"H x 3"D
  • Material: Glass with Hard Strong technology
  • Made in Japan