Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Named after the famed novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, this is a statement shochu that is made in limited quantities. Yoko received this as a going away gift from her boss when she moved back to the U.S. from Japan.

Using 100% locally-grown organic barley, this shochu is aged in oak casks for 3-5 years to develop a rich complexity akin to whisky. Enjoy a spectrum of aromas, from coconut and ripe pineapple to caramel and even pipe tobacco. Try this neat or oyuwari style to uncover all the levels of flavor.


  • Distilled in Miyazaki, Japan by Kuroki Honten
  • Distilled from 100% mugi (barley) and mugi koji (barley koji)
  • ABV 40% / Koji: White (barley) / Distillation: Atmospheric
  • Barrels: Oak casks
  • Aged: 3-5 years
  • 24 fl oz (720ml)
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