Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Nishihira Shuzo makes Amami kokuto shochu in the traditional fashion, with 100% clay-pot fermentations and a hefty ratio of rice koji to kokuto (black sugar). Selephant is a brand which showcases Master Distiller Selena's love for elephants (Selephant is one of her nicknames!).

This shochu expresses so much character from the kokuto: powdered sugar, slate, and intense umami. Selena recommends having this shochu mizuwari (cut with ice and water) or with soda. 

Nishihira Shuzo's Master Distiller, Selena Nishihira, is a professional musician who regularly preforms during the distilling off-season; she returned to her family distillery on the sole condition she could continue pursuing her musical career. Nishihira Shuzo has a venue on-site!  


  • Distilled on Amami Island, Japan by Nishihira Shuzo
  • Distilled from kokuto (black sugar) and kome koji (rice koji) 
  • ABV 30% / Koji: white (rice) / Distillation: Atmospheric
  • 25.3 fl oz (750ml)
Please note: We can not deliver alcoholic products to ND, SD, NH, UT, MI, MS, KY, AK.