Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

We try to pick up the seasonal releases from Shiga's Tomita Shuzo whenever we can, and we can say beyond a doubt that this Spring's Shichi Hon Yari is spectacular! This fresh-pressed shiboritate is pulled from the middle portion of the pressing and bottled for shipment just in time for Spring sake-drinking festivities. Using Tamazakae, an heirloom rice variety indigenous to Shiga prefecture, this expression of Shichi Hon Yari is deceptively light on the palate, sneaking its hefty 18% ABV by without issue. Get yeasty, grainy aromas and notes of melon, yogurt, and lime peel while enjoying its crisp texture and mellow, earthy palate.  


  • Brewed in Shiga, Japan by Tomita Shuzo
  • Junmai shiboritate
  • Seimaibuai (rice kernel remaining): Tamazakae 60%
  • ABV 17-18% / SMV: +4.7 / Acidity: 2.0
  • Yeast: #1401
  • 24 fl oz (720 ml) 
Please note: We can not deliver alcoholic products to ND, SD, NH, UT, MI, MS, KY, AK.