Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match
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Free entry for Sake + Shochu Gumi members and customers who purchase Den Brewery Batch 10 sakes April 28-May 6.  RSVP on Eventbrite and we will send you Zoom info!


Batch 10 is here! We are happy to host the release of Den's latest sake with brewmaster Yoshihiro Sako. This is a special opportunity where Yoshi will talk about his methods and concepts behind Batch 10. Come party with us! 

Nominated for a James Beard Award in its first year and second year, Den Sake Brewery is just around the corner from us in Oakland, and we are proud to carry our hometown sake.

Batch 10 Nama Nama, Pasteurized, and Ori Nama Nama Sake available now. Get all three in the Den Brewery Pack!

About this batch from Yoshi: "notes of melon rind, stewed pear, fresh cream, marzipan and spearmint aroma, with raw-pine nut nuttiness, baby corn sweetness and brothy umami on palate, with a clean, restrained finish. One of the more delicate and gentle batches pairs which well with traditional nigiri sushi, clear-broth hot pot, grilled herb lemon chicken and tofu salad." SMV of +2.4 and acidity of 2.1.

WHAT: Batch 10 Zoom Party with Yoshi Sako of Den Sake Brewery
Brewmaster Yoshi will discuss Batch 10, new methods, with a Q+A at the end!

WHEN: Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 5:30pm

WHERE: The Internet 

ADMISSION: Free entry for Sake Gumi members and customers who purchase any Den Brewery sakes.

RSVP on Eventbrite

We'll email you with the Zoom info after you make the purchase!