Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

This is a Shochu Gumi selection! It was featured in June 2023 "Zenkoji"

Inspired by awamori production and the zenkoji method, Managing Director Tadafumi Yoshida created this shochu in 2005. Mr. Yoshida said, “By making shochu with all koji brewing, it is possible to bring out the maximum sweetness and flavor of the raw koji, resulting in a deeper flavor.” Get notes of roasted nuts and chocolate with rich vanilla accents. For a refreshing drink, we love this shochu with soda and ice, but the aroma comes out brightest with hot water. Enjoy with saucy barbecued pork ribs or a plate of pasta carbonara.

Read about Kayoko's visit to Nishiyoshida Shuzo here!


  • Distilled in Fukuoka, Japan by Nishiyoshida Shuzo
  • Distilled from 100% mugi koji (barley koji)
  • ABV 25% / Koji: Black (barley) / Distillation: Atmospheric
  • 24 fl oz (720ml)
Please note: We can not deliver alcoholic products to ND, SD, NH, UT, MI, MS, KY, AK.