Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Brewed using the juice and peel of yuzu citrus, this beer is light, refreshing, and perfect for a hot summer's day with a side of buffalo wings.  Light bodied with juicy aromas of fresh-cut citrus and bright flavors of yuzu. 

Miyashita Brewery imports malt, hop and yeast from Germany and the Czech republic for their beer. They also use live yeast and soft water used in sake brewing. 


  • Brewed in Okayama, Japan by Miyashita Shuzo
  • Brewed from Barley
  • ABV 7%
  • 12 fl oz (355ml)

Flavor Profile Chart

SMV: 1, Acidity: 1.5 Flavor Profile Chart for Okayama Doppo Yuzu Ale (Six Pack BTL 12oz)

Recommended Tempurature

Serve 50˚F, or 55˚F Recommended Tempurature for Okayama Doppo Yuzu Ale (Six Pack BTL 12oz)

Pairing Suggestions

  • turnip
  • sushi
  • crab
  • fish