Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

This bottle is a Sake Gumi selection! It was featured in June 2024 " Sakqueso 2024". 

This creamy brew lends aromas of milk and Cream of Mushroom soup. At room temperature, flavors including molasses and a touch of bitterness unravels. We ruled out many cheeses including Comte, which was overpowering, and a low-moisture buffalo mozz which brought out a chemically off-taste. The runners up are 1) Carr Valley Glacier Point Blue, which enhanced a new green apple-like flavor from the sake that didn’t exist on its own and 2) Creme Fraiche topped with tonburi or caviar, which brought out a seaweed like umami in the sake. 


  • Brewed in Yamanashi Japan, by Sasaichi Shuzo
  • Yamahai Junmai Ginjo
  • Seimaibuai (rice kernel remaining):  Omachi 55%
  • ABV 21% / SMV -1 / Acidity 1.7 
  • 24 fl. oz (720ml)
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