Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

There is a magical two week period each year, when green walnuts are perfect to make these bitters. Founder Louis Anderman fashioned them from his annual Nocino recipe, adjusted to taste like an Amaro. Full of rich nutty flavor and spice, these bitters are perfect for whisky and rum cocktails all year long.

Miracle Mile proprietor Louis Anderman recently launched The Drunkard's Almanac with his brother, chronicling cocktail recipes that coincide with a commemorative day. The cocktails range from classic, pre-prohibition drinks, to newer renditions like the notable In Cold Blood recipe in ode to Truman Capote. It is a fun and endlessly fascinating resource not only for recipes but for historical events. Check it out and follow them on Instagram.

From Our Blog:
Meet Louis Anderman of Miracle Mile Bitters Co. by Kayoko Akabori


  • Capacity: 4 oz
  • Material: Glass bottle with plastic top
  • Made in Los Angeles, CA