Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match
Free entry for Sake + Shochu Gumi members and customers who purchase the Heiwa Shuzo Pack. RSVP at and we will send you Zoom info!

Watch the video (Part 1 and Part 2) from the event on our YouTube channel!
We are thrilled to host our next sake tasting event with Heiwa Shuzo of Wakayama Prefecture in Japan! Located on the site of the former Muryozan temple in Kainan City, Heiwa Shuzo has been making sake for four generations. Since current President Norimasa Yamamoto took the helm 12 years ago, he has revived the brewery by creating the Kid line of sakes, and they even grow their own Yamada Nishiki rice! Heiwa means peace in Japanese, so let's all drink up!

For this event, we'll be joined by Heiwa Shuzo president Yamamoto and head toji (brewmaster) Hidemichi Shibata, talking about the history of the brewery, with a special tour of their facilities. We will discuss the concept of their newly-released Kid Junmai Ginjo Shiboritate (a super fresh-pressed sake featured in this month's Sake Gumi!) and production method of this special sake.

We'll then be tasting the Kid Shiboritate along with the Heiwa Nigori (Sake Gumi theme this month is New Wave Nigori), going over temperature, food pairings, and best glassware/ vessel for this sake.

WHAT: Brewery Tour + Shiboritate Tasting with Heiwa Shuzo, joined by President Norimasa Yamamoto and head toji Hidemichi Shibata

WHEN: Wednesday January 27, 2021, 5:30pm

WHERE: The Internet

ADMISSION: Free entry for Sake + Shochu Gumi members and customers who purchase purchase the Heiwa Shuzo Pack.

We'll email you with the Zoom info after you make the purchase! 

Here's what you need to do:
1. Purchase the Heiwa Shuzo Pack
2. RSVP to for Zoom info
3. Make the Salmon Miso + Soy Milk Nabe right before the event.
3. Join the Zoom event on Wednesday 1/27 at 5:30pm!