Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

We've wrangled a case of Baller Whiskey from St. George! This prized whiskey, aged in umeshu casks, is super hard to come by so we're not putting them on our shelves. Instead, get a drink at our bar for your chance at a raffle to buy a bottle! We'll draw the names of 6 lucky winners on Monday Aug 5th. Visit the bar as many times as you'd like this weekend to increase your chance at a bottle! We're open Friday 4-7pm; Sat/Sun 12-7pm.

Here's the fine print:

- For every raffle ticket, you must purchase the following: 1 glass of sake/shochu OR 1 flight. Get as many raffle tickets as you like within these choices. 

- Retail price of a bottle is $90

- Chance to get a raffle ticket ends when we close on 7pm on Sunday 8/4

- Umami Mart Bar is located inside the shop at 4027 Broadway in Oakland

- Limit one bottle per customer for the winner 

- Baller will not be served at the bar



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