Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Are you a Japanese curry fanatic? Oaktown Spice Shop created and hand-blends our Japanese Curry Powder, a savory blend of spices. Use it to make Japanese Curry from Scratch (which continues to be our best-selling blog post of all time), and for Yoko's Umami Lentils!

And wait, there's more in our kitchen pantry!

This trio of our best-selling Japanese spices, all hand-mixed for Umami Mart by the Oaktown Spice Shop, can be used to create unique Japan-inspired dishes.

The Japanese Curry Powder is ideal to spice up dishes without all the salt and preservatives. Shichimi Togarashi is a perfect complement to hot noodles or fried rice. And our ever-popular Umami Salt gives you all the flavor without MSG; sprinkle it on grilled chicken or pasta!