Happy Holidays at Umami Mart

The holidays are just around the corner, can you believe it??? I absolutely can not. It's been a crazy year for us at Umami Mart, and it's only about to get busier. I can't even believe it's Thanksgiving tomorrow, I have no idea what I'm cooking yet!
Anyhow, we've put together some killer gift sets for you and your loved ones -- get 'em while they're HOT.

All of these can be found online and at our Oakland shop and as always, you can get it gift wrapped for FREE. Yipeeee!
We'll be here for you 7 days a week with these extended holiday hours in Oakland:
Monday - Thursday: 12pm - 7pm
Friday - Saturday: 11am - 7pm
Sunday: 11 -5pm
As always, you can order online 24/7! We ship anywhere in the world. Here are the USPS shipping deadlines for Xmas delivery:
Priority Mail: Friday 12/21
Express Mail: Saturday 12/22
Come out this Friday 11/23 from 12-8pm for PLAID FRIDAY! Forget getting up at 4am to wait in line for those big-box retailers to open its doors. Support local! That's what Plaid Friday is all about -- supporting small businesses and retailers for the holidays. It makes so much more sense than to get into several fist fights over last year's toaster model at 7am. Fuck that!
We'll be here with Grease Box for fried chicken and caramel apples. Plus a special appearance by Kid Skwid, aka my brother, who will be making chashu tostadas. Never fear, we'll keep you well fed and full of holiday cheer.
If you are in Copenhagen at all, make sure to stop by the annual Holiday Market with Mr. Skankynavia aka Anders Arhoj on 12/2. Info here.
Happy Holidays! See you soon, Martians!