Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Our bartender Brad has been with us since we first opened our bar in May. He had been a longtime customer of ours in our old space, and Sake Gumi member! When we started looking for a bartender, Brad naturally came to mind, and we were so happy that he accepted the position with us. He roasts coffee at Wrecking Ball during the week, and bartends with us the weekends. 

As soon as it started getting chilly out, Brad started working on a hot toddy made with shochu. We are also so lucky to have Cindy's (Yoko's sister's) thriving yuzu tree nearby, which Brad uses here for his drink.


2 oz Kuro Kirishima Imo Shochu
1 oz Tsukushi Kuro Mugi Shochu
0.75 oz ginger syrup
0.5 oz barspoon of yuzu or Meyer lemon
2 dashes Forbidden Bitters by Miracle Mile
Top with hot water (2-3 oz)
Lemon peel for oil


1. Dash bitters into the empty cup. 

2. Add shochu.

3. Add juice and ginger syrup (recipe: equal parts water, ginger, and sugar; blend).

4. Add hot water.

5. Express oil of a lemon peel over top of drink but don't garnish.


Come visit us on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays and let us make you Brad's Hot Toddy!