Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Happy Shochu'sday!
We're featuring awamori here all month to get us ready for the Awamori Bazaar event with our friend Nick Korn on July 21st. It’s going to be super educational and fun, we hope you can all make it!

This week I had a cup of Hana Shimauta by Masahiro Shuzo for July 4th. I live in El Cerrito and it is SO COLD AND FOGGY during the summer months. So I spent the holiday bundled up at home, puzzling. When the sun went down and it was time for a cocktail, I did not feel like putting anything on ice. I recalled that Masahiro Shuzo had recommended this awamori nurukan (warm)! So I added some hot water to the mug filled with the awamori (about 4:6 spirit to water) and it was the perfect drink for the cold summer holiday.

I featured this bottle for Shochu Gumi in
September 2020 and it is a light and refreshing awamori, thanks to the ginjo yeast used in production. I would recommend this for sake drinkers and people who usually enjoy rice shochus.

Hope it's warm and sunny wherever you may be!


Column: Shochu'sday


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