Mike's Noodle House in Seattle

I'm afraid I'm becoming one of those older Asian ladies who gets really grumpy after not eating noodles or rice or something with soy sauce flavoring for a few days. Although who am I kidding: I am grumpy if I don't have noodles in some form at least once a day. On our last trip to Seattle, Yoko and I woke up from a food coma from our grandiose meal at Blind Pig Bistro and all we could think about for breakfast was a bowl of noodles. With the help of the internet, we landed at Mike's Noodle House in Chinatown.

Bustling with patrons by 11am, I knew I would like Mike's as soon as I saw the neon lights: "Congee" on one side and "Noodle" on the other. How does one choose?

Seriously people, how does one choose??? I sat on the question of Noodle vs. Congee for five minutes while Yoko patiently waited for me to make my decision. I usually order based on what dishes people have on their tables, and on this occasion, it was about 50/50. Nail biting!
Of course I went with the noodles.
We started with a healthy cup of soy milk and some Chinese donuts to nibble on while we waited.

Donut porn:

I didn't know what siu kau exactly was upon ordering but was pleasantly greeted with a wontons encased with shrimp, pork and woodear mushrooms.

These siu kau must be a rarity in the states since Mike's is the only listing that pops up on the Googles. They seem to be well-loved by Seattleites.
Fresh, bouncy noodles:

Next time I will try the congee for sure. Or even better, I will get both!
418 Maynard Ave S
Seattle WA 98104
T: 206.389.7099