Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Make It An Onsen Hygge Spa Day

We're all about hygge (pronounced hooga) here this season, a Danish term describing coziness and contentment. There's nothing that reflects hygge to us like a deep soak in an outdoor onsen in the mountains of Japan. We've brought in several products to celebrate the onsen lifestyle so...


Get the Onsen Feels

For us, a trip to Japan always means stopping off at an onsen (hot springs). Thanks to our new Onsen Collection, made with hinoki from Kochi prefecture (known for their Japanese Cypress), we can enjoy a bit of Japan's hot springs right at home....

Tsuchi-yu Onsen Town in Fukushima

Japan is a country full of people who work hard and play hard. Many put in 60+ hours into the work week, not including the after hours drinking they are forced to join with their colleagues. But I'm happy to report that they rest hard too....