This Just In: Yo-Ho Brewing's Sorry Umami IPA
Sorry Umami IPA is an unapologetically Japanese beer, made with katsuoboshi, or dried bonito flakes. Dry and drinkable, the addition of bonito adds umami.
Sorry Umami IPA is an unapologetically Japanese beer, made with katsuoboshi, or dried bonito flakes. Dry and drinkable, the addition of bonito adds umami.
All of the sakes this month were chosen to exhibit how umami plays an important role in sake, and chosen for their umami-rich profiles.
U M A M I: What is it? What does it taste like? Is it Japanese cartoon character? We get a lot of inquiries about the definition and concepts of umami at our Oakland shop, so we decided to team up with John over at...
While it's no Musso & Frank or Mateo's, Umami Burger is quickly becoming a fixture in the LA culinary world. Seriously. Six locations have popped up since the original La Brea location opened in 2009 and the popularity doesn't appear...
Here we go-- another food critic's take on "umami". This time, the article is from none other than Time Magazine, with their gajillion readers, letting Josh Ozersky tell them what umami is. What. The. Fuck. We're talking about a...