Te Aprecio: Liz, The Phone Booth

Do you want to go where everyone knows your name? The Phone Booth is a well-loved neighborhood dive found at 25th and South Van Ness in the Mission. It's a place I affectionately referred to as my living room, because it was where I could watch a Warriors game and listen to Rihanna at the same time.
Meet Liz. She's tended bar at the Booth for five years, and before that, she was a longtime patron. Hence, why I love this place – it's a neighborhood magnet. Upon one of my last visits to the Booth before moving to NYC, I invited a couple friends to join me here. Liz made made me a hot toddy, then played Lady Gaga on the jukebox and stepped outside to smoke a cigarette (This should answer any questions regarding if smoking is still allowed indoors).

Liz works happy hour on Saturday nights. Cruise through and ask if she remembers me.
The Phone Booth
1398 S Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, CA 94110
T: 415.648.4683
All photos by Melissa Sáenz Gordon
Te Aprecio: San Francisco from a native's perspective.