Today Only: 10% Off Copper Tamago Pans

Today the marks the fourth day of our 12 Days of Christmas holiday deals. Every day, from today through December 24, we’ll offer a new one-day only deal on a product in our shop. Today’s deal is for 10% off Copper Tamago Pans. Find the discount code on our 12 Days of Christmas page.
Tamagoyaki is a Japanese rolled omelet. You've likely had tamagoyaki in your sushi combination platter at a Japanese restaurant – it's the sushi that's topped with a rectangular brick of sweet fluffy egg, often wrapped in a thin band of nori. To properly make tamagoyaki, you must use a rectangular pan to keep its neat shape while it gently cooks.
Our Copper Tamago Pan is made by Asahi, the makers of our popular Moscow Mule Copper Mug. Asahi specializes in copper goods and is located in Niigata, Japan. Yoko and Kayoko visited the Asahi factory in early 2014, where they first saw and fell in love with these pans. Copper pans are coveted for their superior heat conductivity, but they're also just pretty cookware! Cooking tamagoyaki in a proper pan is imperative, but you don't have to just cook omelets in this pan. Its compact-size makes it a great cooking receptacle for a one-person meal!