Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

We went to Hoteresu the other day, Japan's premiere restaurant show. Like any convention at Javits or Moscone Center, the massive spaceship of a building had been filled with food and drink companies, appliance mega-conglomerates and tableware producers, displaying their newest products and inventions for all of us brainwashed consumers. Like a well-oiled machine, Hoteresu was capitalism at its finest!

This was the highlight of the convention:

An ice ball machine!!! Called "Hole in Ice", this machine by refrigeration company Hoshizaki dispenses medium-sized balls, for your drinking pleasures.

How about stars?

Or hearts!

Kold Draft ice cubes just got really boring.


  • Hi!, I’m interested in an Ice ball machine!!! Called “Hole in Ice”. I need to know more info about this product.


    Ramses Kimaya on

  • Is the ice ball crystal clear when done?

    Ed on

  • Where can I purchase the machine?

    Marko on

  • Hi!, I’m interested in an Ice ball machine!!! Called “Hole in Ice”. I need to know more info about this product

    ali Espinoza on

  • Hello, I am a bar owner from Jordan, interested in purchasing your products. Kindly contact me via email. Thank you, awaiting your prompt reply.


    Karim B on

  • Hi!, I’m interested in an Ice ball machine!!! Called “Hole in Ice”. Do you have manufacturer or supplier here in the Thailand? I need to know more info about this product

    Pairoj on

  • Hi!, I’m interested in an Ice ball machine!!! Called “Hole in Ice”. Do you have manufacturer or supplier here in the Philippines? I need to know more info about this product.


    Micah Esguerra on

  • Hello,
    Im intereated in your hole in ice machine, i need to know info about it!(price and shipping)

    Jorge Saltarín on

  • Hi Dear
    I just saw your product ball ice maker “Hole In Ice” and catch may attention. Is it possible for you to send me the price, I am very interested to buy. Looking forward to hear from you.

    Ana on

  • i need know the price of this machine ice maker in ball, and I need know if your send to Chile

    marcelo frias on

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