Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

We're in Japan at the moment and there are luxurious, sparkling boxes of chocolates everywhere being sold for "White Day". Huh?

Oh yah, that's right, it's the day, one month after Valentine's Day, when men give women chocolates. HUH??!?!?

It's true. In Japan, it is tradition for the ladies to gift chocolates to the men in their lives -- lovers, fighters, and importantly, colleagues, on February 14. By the time March 14 rolls around, it is customary for all the men you gave chocolates to, to return the favor. This day is called White Day.

Yoko lived in Tokyo for five years, and recorded three of her White Day experiences for Umami Mart. Check out all of them, starting in 2007! You'll find that by Year 3, she wised up and gave boxes of chocolates to her most important male co-workers. Find out what she got in return!

White Day; March 14, 2007
White Day 2008; March 14, 2008
March 14: Happy White Day!; March 14, 2009