Umami Mart Registry

I'm in LA for my best friend's wedding. I love LA, you know that? There's an energy here that doesn't quite exist in sleepy SF. Plus, this is the city where my family first landed in AMERICA. We lived in the cuttycuts of Koreatown with cockroaches. Nostalgique.

Driving around with my brother, I noticed something: Yoshinoya. Everywhere. The famous King of Beef Bowls (OG location in Tsukiji Market, holla) seemed as ubiquitous as any fast food chain. This one here, right near MacArthur Park, in front of the historic Westlake Theater, was clearly housed in a former Taco Bell.


  • What were you doing by MacArthur Park? I used to live right by there – ghe-tto.
    That was the first time I ever saw fast-food places with bullet-proof glass installed between the customer and cashier.

    worm on

  • Omg Worm, soooo sketchy. My bro lives close to by, in East Hollywood. I forget that you lived in LA. You do not like?

    Kayoko on

  • Actually, I like LA but I am now too soft to live in a neighborhood like that. But I do prefer the eastern half of LA over the Westside. Not a fan of the Westside.

    worm on

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