ReCPY: MOcarons

My MO-obsession (baking with rice flour) has returned, and this time, it's the MOcaron. Now that I know exactly what to do when it comes to macaron-making, substituting almond flour with other ingredients is not that hard. Having said that, I had no idea whether rice flour would work.
Since the first recipe I used to make macarons back in 2008, I've kept modifying it, and the best measurements I've found are:
4 egg whites (rested for about a day or two)
250 g powder sugar
140 g rice flour
1/4 cup of granulated sugar
Since I've covered the method repeatedly, I won't bore you with it again. Refer to the Matcha Macaron post for my perfected method to make the batter.
I recently cleaned my oven so I could take good pictures of what happens while the macarons bake for ten minutes.
Minute Two:

Minute Three:

Minute Four:

Minute Five:

Minute Seven:

Rice flour seems to create higher leg than almond flour.
I made a simple chocolate ganache and it looks like a mini burger! Aren't they so cute?

Kayoko's face right behind one of the MOcaron is very cute and appetizing don't you think?
I also made another batch with green tea powder. Basically, I added one tablespoon of green tea powder to the above recipe to make a nice and subtle green color. For this one, I mixed Blue Hill's jam with a bit of whipped cream.

I should open a MOcaron shop. It's far cheaper to use rice flour, plus almond flour gets staled pretty quickly because it has a lot oil in the nut, but rice flour is the same exact form for a long long time.
I love making macarons.