Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

MOTOism: Baking with Charcoal Powder

You know what's inside your Brita filter, right? Charcoal. You know the best way to keep the fridge from smelling bad? Put a piece of charcoal in it. Due to its purifying effects, people in Japan take powdered charcoal as a daily supplement, and some...

Upcoming Event: Macarons with Moto (OAK)

Guess what? MOTO is coming to Umami Mart! How lucky we are! Our resident macaron maestro will be here with us this Thursday night, armed with his little pillows of sweet macarons that he has finally mastered over the last few...


ReCPY: Macaron = DV (Domestic Violence)

Not that I've ever beaten anyone up, but I think macaron-making is somewhat similar to the mentality of a wifebeater's wife. You get so fed up with the multiple failures, from all the physical and mental abuse, and you want to leave him, but when you are...


ReCPY: Macaron, Not Macaroon

Dear Microsoft Office (and all you other people who can't differentiate between a macaron from a macaroon), Macaron is not a macaroon. Every time I write "macaron", you always highlight it, suggesting I misspelled the word and replace it with "macaroon" instead. How atrocious. I...


ReCPY: The Art of Giving (Martha + Me)

PREFACE Martha, You Want Me Last week was intense. News reports on the Sendai Quake was getting worse by the hour and the number of victims had already exceeded that of the Kobe quake in 1995. It is still increasing. Radiation has been...


ReCPY: MOcarons

My MO-obsession (baking with rice flour) has returned, and this time, it's the MOcaron. Now that I know exactly what to do when it comes to macaron-making, substituting almond flour with other ingredients is not that hard. Having said that, I had no idea...


Skankynavia: Nikolaos Strangas Cakeaway (CPH)

My neighbourhood is changing rapidly these days-- for the better. The whole block used to be really sad, shopping-wise. A nasty old bakery with day-old bread, Christian-sects' offices, and three different Thai "massage" parlours (last year a war broke out between them, and the hookers...

Yamahomo vs. Laduree - The Battle Continues

I learned my lesson. Mix the batter well till it falls off the spatula, and don't take it out of the oven too soon. Other than the fact that I am super inpatient, all the necessary ingredients and mind set was there. I couldn't let go of the defeat of...