Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

The Year of Okonomiyaki

To celebrate the new year, I hosted a last-minute dinner last night with a few close friends. What was on the menu? Okonomiyaki! It was a mellow evening of cocktails and sour beers to accompany the famous Japanese savory pancake. It was the first time...

年越しそば (Toshikoshi Soba)

As 2011 draws to a close, I am not thinking about the Mayans. Rather, I am trying to decide what I will be eating over the weekend. PRIORITIES, people! I'll be working on Saturday evening (apocalypse be damned!), but I'll have all the accouterments ready to ring...

Merry Xmas Wagashi (Sweets)

By Kenji Miura I celebrated Christmas in Japan by making wagashi, or traditional Japanese sweets. Santa is shaped out of shiro-an (white bean paste). The holly is made out of ogura tsubu-an (red beans boiled with sugar, skin-on). The tree is comprised of shiro-an and...


Japanified Arancini

When I was a kid, my mom made ebi-fry, tonkatsu and korokke frequently. Every time she would serve up one of these deep-fried treats, my sister and I who were both picky eaters, would be satisfied. To this day, I love Japanese deep...


Japanify: Yuzu Ginger Tea

It's that time of the year, when my well-windowed apartment gets really cold and I have to bring out multiple space heaters to supplement the un-strategically placed central heater that seems to whisper lukewarm puffs of air. Luckily, my Zojirushi water boiler and warmer just arrived in...


ReCPY: Yamahomo's Vanilla Extract

I made vanilla extract for holiday gifts, using vanilla beans that I bought on Valencia Street in the Mission when I was visiting San Francisco in October. I don't remember the name of where I bought them (it was an ice cream shop), but they have the...

Lazyass Cookin'

Lazyass Cookin': Natto Omelette

I have missed writing this column, so I'm bringing it back! I can not pretend that I have abandoned my lazy ways, or that I've stopped cutting corners when cooking. My kitchen may be much bigger than what I had in Brooklyn, but this only means...


ReCPY: Gourmet Comfort Soup

Chicken noodle soup, whatever the reason maybe, is often eaten when we are sick. I have no idea why. I don't think there's any anti-cold medication in it, nor is it medically proven to cure illnesses whatsoever. I guess it's simply the comfort of its...


Japanify: Nametake (DIY Condiment Crack)

I usually make a vat of potato salad before I leave for a trip, leaving my husband poor and defenseless against the elements of bachelorhood. But this time I didn't have time before the trip and figured he'd be able to fend for himself......


Skankynavia: Bacon Udon

Enjoying the early winter so far? I know I am. I'm a cave bear and enjoy spending the long Scandinavian winter evenings in my studio or couch, working, crafting or watching Daria. In fact, since it is so windy, wet and utterly, depressively dark, I feel...


Skankynavia: Bitchin' Brownies

Brownies come many a kind -- I like these particular ones because they're very light and discrete in flavour which means you can eat the whole cake and not feel overstuffed (even though you most certainly will be). To me, brownies should be heavy, soggy, small...


ReCPY: Thanksgiving-esque Dinner

I think I've cooked turkey for the past 13 years or so. I am slowly starting to break that tradition. Why? A.) I don't like turkey, it is are too gamey for me. B.) It takes up too much space in the fridge, in the oven,...