Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Skankynavia: Swedish Birthday

Two gay men got married in the early 00's (yes, that's right USA, listen and learn from the Danes), spent eight years together, got divorced, and became good friends again after some time. Straight people could also earn learn a thing or two from the...


Skankynavia: Countryside Luncheon

It's been such a nice summer here in Denmark for a change. After literally 6 months of cold, dark and snowy weather it was finally time for the sun to return to the land of vikings and LEGO. It's bright from 4 in the morning until...


Skankynavia: A Portuguese Quickie

I seriously did not know anything about Portugal and its inhabitants until I set my boot on its shores in May 2013. Well, apart from the story about Columbus and his New World discovery, but it appears there’s debate whether he was...

Flashback Fave

Flashback Fave: Anders aka Skankynavia

Anders joined the Umami Mart writing staff in 2009 and is deeply engraved in the Umami Mart family, having designed our Oakland shop and entire brand identity. Anders' world is playful, colorful and cozy -- whether he writes from his own kitchen, or during his...


Skankynavia: Londinium Leisures

I used to loathe this city when I lived here. That was back in 1998 and I was poor as a peasant poofter pigeon. I went looking for the hip & happening 1990's London which I'd always dreamt about while listening to BritPop all through...


Skankynavia: L'Etoile

A new cocktail bar opened in Copenhagen in the spring of 2012. The creation of the bar had been in the making for years. The owner is a friend of mine, who is an impressively ambitious and creative entrepeneur building bars around...


Skankynavia: California Workin' + Chowin'

In the spring of 2012 I suddenly felt the urge to not spend a depressing summer in Copenhagen. Previous years had been a mixed pleasure of monsoon rain, heavy floods, grey skies and Antarctica beach temperatures. I seriously needed a shot of California. Coincidentally the...


Skankynavia: Brass Monkey (CPH)

A few months ago, I designed a ceramic mug shaped like a monkey's head, for rum-based cocktails... and no, it wasn't for selling in stores. I don't think it would be very consumer-friendly. Yet it had a purpose -- the only tiki bar in Copenhagen, Brass...


Skankynavia: Munchin' Thru Mallorca

Tourists and tapas. Two things in this world which I am not a big fan of. Why then, would I go to Mallorca? The infamous Spanish tourist trap of an island, overrun by chubby European expats from the 1960's and forward. Cardboard hotels, hoards of purple-haired...


Skankynavia: Moroccan Munchies

Confession: I'm kinda tired of Asian food. Maybe because I eat it every day. So when my Mile High Dining Club friend declared he wanted to throw a Moroccan inspired dinner I was totally there. Moroccan, African and Arabian are probably the less trendy...


Skankynavia: Vigorious Rice Mix

The other day at my local Asian market -- which is usually not very well equipped since importing food from Asia to an unsignificant little island kingdom like Denmark is incredibly pricey -- I found these bags of grains. And I remembered the many crazy versions...


Skankynavia: Bacon Udon

Enjoying the early winter so far? I know I am. I'm a cave bear and enjoy spending the long Scandinavian winter evenings in my studio or couch, working, crafting or watching Daria. In fact, since it is so windy, wet and utterly, depressively dark, I feel...


Skankynavia: Bitchin' Brownies

Brownies come many a kind -- I like these particular ones because they're very light and discrete in flavour which means you can eat the whole cake and not feel overstuffed (even though you most certainly will be). To me, brownies should be heavy, soggy, small...


Skankynavia: Icelandic Nammi

As I've written in a post some years ago, Iceland is a nation of candy addicts. Especially if the candy is chocolate mixed with liquorice. It's crazy how much candy the Icelandic people eat - but since there's no fresh ice cream tradition like in Italy...