Upcoming Event: Selection Massale Wine Party

Popuphood is turning 1yo! We're so thrilled to be a part of this great community for its first anniversary. To celebrate, we're throwing a wine party! Our good friend Cory is the co-proprietor of Selection Massale, an East Bay-based wine distributor, focused on discovering wines by smaller, organic producers in
Europe. We love Selection Massale's wines -- they are dynamic, full of spunk, and there's always something for every palate.

Cory (dashing, above) will be here pouring Selection Massale's reds, whites, and if we're lucky, some bubbly! And we'll have the YATAIYA guys making pork belly steamed buns. Come and join us!
Popuphood 1-year Anniversary Party! With wines by Selection Massale and eats by YATAIYA.
WHEN: Saturday 12/15, 5-9pm
WHERE: Umami Mart
815 Broadway
Oakland, Pop-Up Hood
BART: 12th Street
Google Map
RSVP to hello@umamimart.com
*Photos courtesy of Selection Massale