Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Japanese Gin Cocktail Recipes by Chris Lane

Gins from Japan are all the rage at the moment, within the country and abroad. We've lined up a stellar collection of some special gins and are so excited to announce our second Zoom cocktail event, Summer of Japanese Gin, with our great friend Chris Lane,...

Event Recap

Sakqueso! at Ramen Shop

I'm pretty sure that the term "Sakqueso" started out as a joke between Yoko and me, when we were trying to come up with a clever way to express the genius pairing of cheese and sake. Likely, we thought it was silly but hilarious, and the name stuck. That's generally how it...

Upcoming Event

Upcoming Event: Sakqueso!

Attention all cheese lovers! Join us at Ramen Shop in Oakland on Tuesday, June 26th for our upcoming Sake Gumi Social event, "Sakqueso!", where we pair sakes with cheese. Sake and cheese are both rich in lactic acid, making them ideal accompaniments. The...