Upcoming Event: Umeshu Class with Peko Peko

Ume (Japanese plum) season is upon us! Through the years, we've brought you many posts about making umeshu (plum cordial) at home. We've had several umeshu features and recipes on the blog, from Yoko's kitchen in Tokyo, MOTO's kitchen in NYC, and from Sylvan's Peko Peko HQ in Oakland.
There have been loads of of questions and feedback from these various posts, with lots of specific questions about the umeshu-making process. So we thought this would be the perfect time to host a class dedicated to making umeshu! We've teamed up with Peko Peko for a 2-hour class that will take you through all the steps of making umeshu -- from cleaning the California Nanko ume (harvested in Sacramento!) to adding the right amount of sugar and spirit. The Peko Peko staff will guide us through the process and will answer any questions we might have along the way. Where do I get the ume? Where should it be stored? When can I drink it????!?!?!
All supplies and snacks (!) will be included in this event, and you take home a liter of your very own umeshu!
WHAT: Umeshu-making class with Peko Peko
WHEN: Sunday 6/9, 2-4pm
WHERE: Peko Peko HQ
Downtown Oakland
All supplies and snacks included!
Buy tix via Paypal here:
Come and chat, learn, ask questions and snack with us! You'll get a confirmation email from us once you purchase your tickets, with all the details. Cheers!