Lazyass Cookin': Ebi Chili

Cooking time: 5 minutes.
The Japanese have perfected the art of lazy cooking. Instant ramen, instant white rice, instant consomme, instant miso soup complete with tofu and green onions. Where do you think I get it from?
So the other day, I found some shrimp in the freezer and decided to pair it with chili sauce for a dish the Japanese call "Ebi Chili" (ebi=shrimp; look it even has a very brief Wiki page). Make the sauce from scratch? Hell no. The Japanese have a pre-made sauce for everything so you don't have to be creative in the kitchen whatsoever. "Ebi Chili" is one of my favorite dishes- spicy and a bit ketchupy.
The sauce is Chinese in origin, but the Japanese have totally cooped it as their own and there are like a gazillion different brands of this instant sauce you can buy at a Japanese market. This particular brand is called Manjo- it says on the bag that it's made with tobanjan, which is a spicy miso paste. It also includes "komiyasai" which is roughly translated as "fragrant vegetables" (onions, ginger, garlic, etc.). At least that's what my mom tells me.
Besides having to deshell/devein the shrimp, this seriously only took me five minutes to make.
Ingredients: Shrimp, green onion, bag of sauce. Bok choy and onion totally optional- I just added it cause I need my vegetables.

Chop bok choy and onions like so.

I added fresh garlic just cause I love it. Stir fry shrimp till it barely turn pink.

Add vegetables.

Stir fry till the onions are barely transluscent.

Add sauce. Sprinkle in chopped green onions.

Looks like I forgot to take a pic of the final product but here is a small dish on the top right hand corner. Tofu right next to it.

OMG check out this ebi chili steamed bun!!! I WANT!!!