Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Cooking time: 5 minutes.

The Japanese have perfected the art of lazy cooking. Instant ramen, instant white rice, instant consomme, instant miso soup complete with tofu and green onions. Where do you think I get it from?

So the other day, I found some shrimp in the freezer and decided to pair it with chili sauce for a dish the Japanese call "Ebi Chili" (ebi=shrimp; look it even has a very brief Wiki page). Make the sauce from scratch? Hell no. The Japanese have a pre-made sauce for everything so you don't have to be creative in the kitchen whatsoever. "Ebi Chili" is one of my favorite dishes- spicy and a bit ketchupy.

The sauce is Chinese in origin, but the Japanese have totally cooped it as their own and there are like a gazillion different brands of this instant sauce you can buy at a Japanese market. This particular brand is called Manjo- it says on the bag that it's made with tobanjan, which is a spicy miso paste. It also includes "komiyasai" which is roughly translated as "fragrant vegetables" (onions, ginger, garlic, etc.). At least that's what my mom tells me.

Besides having to deshell/devein the shrimp, this seriously only took me five minutes to make.

Ingredients: Shrimp, green onion, bag of sauce. Bok choy and onion totally optional- I just added it cause I need my vegetables.


Chop bok choy and onions like so.


I added fresh garlic just cause I love it. Stir fry shrimp till it barely turn pink.


Add vegetables.


Stir fry till the onions are barely transluscent.


Add sauce. Sprinkle in chopped green onions.


Looks like I forgot to take a pic of the final product but here is a small dish on the top right hand corner. Tofu right next to it.


OMG check out this ebi chili steamed bun!!! I WANT!!!


  • i think all these pre made sauce are for sad wives who can't go to work because of asshole husbands who demand them to stay home to "take care of" household. Who the hell wants to cook dinner every day from scratch?! Wives have life to have fun.
    Kayoko, I think it will be better if you par cook shrimp, then take them out and cook vegetable, and once vegees cook, you put shrimp back in. This way, you will never overcook shrimp. Who wants overcooked rubbery shrimp!

    Yamahomo on

  • On my way to sunrise mart to buy some instant chili sauce for dinner!

    jason on

  • Jason- I'm so happy to have inspired you! How did it turn out?

    Yama- do you have any idea how they make the shrimp so perfectly cooked at Chinese restaurants? What's the trick? Do they deep fry it first? I have never had bad shrimp at a Chinese joint- NEVER.

    kayoko on

  • They were actually kind of maa-maa. I think I overcooked the shrimp, but the sauce I got was maaadddd tasty. I put a little on some bow tie pasta I made last night to go with the shrimp and that was really awesome! Keep up the easy to cook tips PLEASE!

    jason on

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