Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Umami Mart Sake Talk

Sake Talk was our first class on sake at our new space. We wanted to create a 3-D version of the sake part of the zine, Sake + Shochu Talk, in seminar form. During this course, we touched on sake types, koji, and serving temperature. All of the attendees had great questions; ranging from "does sake taste different when you drink from a glass versus a can?" to "When do you have sake warm?"

Part lecture, part dialogue, and part tasting, Sake Talk was great platform to to get a conversation going about sake!

The seminar took place at our beautiful bar. Everyone got to take home a Sake + Shochu Talk zine!

Umami Mart Sake Talk

Kayoko and Yoko presenting.

Umami Mart Sake Talk

Sake talking...

Umami Mart Sake Talk

Kayoko demonstrates what the heck to do with a masu (wooden box)!

Umami Mart Sake Talk

During the tasting portion, we emphasized that it's important to use all of your senses to assess the sake.


Umami Mart Sake Talk


Umami Mart Sake Talk

And taste.

Umami Mart Sake Talk

We tried all of these sakes during the tasting portion.

Umami Mart Sake Talk

Kayoko pours Clear Moon Junmai Daiginjo.

Umami Mart Sake Talk

This was a sold out event! We'll announce the next Sake + Shochu Talks soon. Sign up for our mailing list a the bottom of this page to keep up to date on events.

Umami Mart Sake Talk

Photos by Chris Cabrera

Column: Event Recap


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