Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Radiation + Japan: Interview with Washio, Bar Owner (Tokyo) Washio is one of my favorite nomiyas (watering hole) in western Tokyo. I spent an afternoon with fisherman, enka singer, bar owner extraordinairre Taro Washio and captured it all on video. For more enka pleasure, please watch this amazing music video by superstar Jero.

Hokutei Suisan Fish Market (Saitama)

By Sasha Wizansky On October 21st, chef Kanji Nakatani took a small group of the OPENharvest crew on a trip to the Hokutei Fish Market to visit fish purveyor, Katsuhiro Sato. Apparently, Sato was kicked out of the main local fish market many...

Tuna Head at Tsukiji Fish Market

Look at this tuna head! It was fucking HUGE--I could easily fit my own head into its mouth. Its eyeball was so clear, it looked as though it were still alive, looking deep into my soul, prodding me to try its precious ruby red flesh. Sorry...

To Live and Eat in LA

"To live and eat in LA, it's the place to be; You've got to be there to know it, what everybody wanna eat" - Tupac Alright, alright, Tupac didn't say "eat". But instead of talking about hoes and tricks, he should have rapped more...


Japanify: Twice-Cooked Saba (Mackerel)

Frying has always been something I was afraid of. I remember my grandma frying whole fish in a huge wok of oil. It took brawn and a fearless attitude toward unpredictable flying specks of oil traveling at high speeds. I will never be half as...


ReCPY: Fishcake Frenzy (Kamaboko + Chikuwa)

Fishcakes, such as the Homo Sausage, chikuwa and kamaboko, are some of my favorite foods. It usually weirds people out in the States because of its "processed" figure; but I really enjoy its chewy, rubbery texture, and its flavor of the sea. I've always...


Japanify: Wakasagi Smelt in Nanban Sauce

Smelt. Fried, they are a great accompaniment to a pint of beer. Grilled and served with a bowl of white rice, they complete a Japanese breakfast. They also win the Cheap Bastards' Choice Award, since they average $3.50/lb. The "Wakasagi" variety of smelt were introduced...


Japanify: Ankimo (Monkfish Liver)

Ankimo, or monkfish liver, when steamed, is considered a delicacy in Japan. The creamy texture is not unlike a fine pate. Ankimo is to be eaten in tiny bites and is an excellent accompaniment to sake or shochu. The first time I...


Japanify: Simmered Mackerel in Miso

For those who are curious to eat more responsibly in the seafood arena, mackerel is an ideal option. For the rest of us who don't care about being responsible, mackerel is also an ideal option because of its salty-savoriness that's addictive and a...


Japanify: How to Clean a Sardine

I love sardines - canned or fresh. My addiction started as a child when my mother would serve sardines from a can with a dab of kewpie mayonnaise. Packed with protein and fun to eat, they are also better for big blue because...


Japanify: The Japanese Canned Fish-Off

When the heat rolls in, laziness comes in the form of "I don't want to cook." Maybe it's also an instinctual thing where I am unconsciously preparing for a fire or earthquake which is more likely to happen in the hot summer months...