Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

Culinography: Kebab Night

Our neighbors recently invited us over for kebab night. In California in February, it's easy to grill outside and I'm convinced everything tastes better when cooked outdoors! This was a seriously flavorful meal: beef kebab served with a plate of herbs (radishes, mint, green onions), homemade...


Culinography: Happy Chanukkah!

Chanukkah, the eight-day Jewish holiday and festival of lights, started last night!  We light a new candle on the menorah every evening after sundown. I will be making the traditional latkes (potato pancakes), like I do every year, and I plan to attempt making sufganiyot...


Culinography: Introducing Forest Feast

I am excited to announce that I have just launched a new food photography blog called FOREST FEAST. Having just moved to the woods of Northern California from New York City (where I worked as a food photographer), my recipes, home cooking and photography have...


Culinography: Sukkot

The Jewish Harvest holiday of Sukkot starts this Wednesday, Oct 12th and continues for a week. During this time, people eat their meals outdoors under a sukkah (or little hut), decorated with corn, gourds, pumkins and other harvest-inspired decor. It's traditional to say a...