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Sake Gumi News

Fukushima Days (July 2023)

Sake Gumi is our monthly sake subscription service with 200 members throughout the country. Join today! Greetings Gumi folks, your whisky liaison and friendly neighborhood Dre is taking over Sake Gumi this month! It's the same feeling as when you played Pokemon Red on your...

Event Recap

Event Recap: Tohoku Springs Back!

I'm happy to report that we had a successful fundraising event for Tohoku last month. This was our first collaboration with UC Berkeley's Center for Japanese Studies, and we'd all agree that it was awesome. Despite the massive rain that...

Tsuchi-yu Onsen Town in Fukushima

Japan is a country full of people who work hard and play hard. Many put in 60+ hours into the work week, not including the after hours drinking they are forced to join with their colleagues. But I'm happy to report that they rest hard too....

An Afternoon in Fukushima City

If you try Googling "Fukushima" you'll get pages and pages of links with words like, "tragedy" "disaster" and "fear" in the title. This is simply fact. On March 11, 2011, Fukushima prefecture was home to an earthquake, then tsunami so devastating that it caused a massive...

Kinpou Sake from Fukushima

By Shizuka Wakashita One day I had to run errands near a local wine shop and it suddenly occurred to me that maybe this shop has some jizake (sake produced by smaller breweries, or as with beer, "micro breweries"). If they are passionate about wines they must...


Our good friend and talented videographer Joe Stillwater (of Bright Spectrum) joined us on April 5th for our GIFT OF FOOD benefit in San Francisco. We raised over...