Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

ReCPY: Sous-Vide Pork at Home

I am hosting a rather important dinner party with lots of opinionated eaters this weekend, so I've been practicing and experimenting with what I may serve. In the last year or so, whenever you go to an upscale restaurant, you always encounter sous-vide this and...


ReCPY: Ramps, The Sign of Spring

When you see ramps at the Greenmarket, it is a sign that spring is here. These delicacies are only available for short period of time. I discovered this awesome plant last year, and its flavor of onion, garlic, scallion, mixed all into one is very...


ReCPY: Double Dose of Kajitsu (NYC)

I am finally back. Although the past couple of weeks have been super hectic, I had the opportunity to go to my favorite restaurant Kajitsu, twice in two weeks. At the end of March, my work held a special dinner gathering...


ReCPY: The Art of Giving (Martha + Me)

PREFACE Martha, You Want Me Last week was intense. News reports on the Sendai Quake was getting worse by the hour and the number of victims had already exceeded that of the Kobe quake in 1995. It is still increasing. Radiation has been...


ReCPY: Martha, You WANT Me

Before I go into this week's tear-jerking post, I am fortunate to tell you that all my peeps in Japan are fine, but my thoughts are with everyone who is affected by the earthquake. This is truly awful, sad, and devastating for all of us....


ReCPY Redux: Peking Duck

About a year ago, Dickson's Farm opened up a shop in Chelsea Market and I often go there to get my meat. It's fresh, and sometimes you can see the guys butchering huge chunks of cow. It's nice to buy meat where you can...


ReCPY: MOcarons

My MO-obsession (baking with rice flour) has returned, and this time, it's the MOcaron. Now that I know exactly what to do when it comes to macaron-making, substituting almond flour with other ingredients is not that hard. Having said that, I had no idea...


ReCPY: Kabocha Gnocchi

I've tried making gnocchi in the past, but the whole thing dissolved while boiling, so it was a complete failure. Since then, I haven't even thought about making it again. A few weeks ago, I pondered what I would make for a small gathering. I...


ReCPY: Chicken Sashimi Fest

"HELP! I ate three bites of raw chicken, am I going to get sick?!" "I had chicken for dinner but it was pink. I ate it, but I am worried now. What should I do?" "Warning: FDA strongly advises chicken to be cooked completely before...