Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

ReCPY: Lux Summer Japanese BBQ

Photos by Derek Dercep. I am currently writing this post from Lake Muskoka in Canada. My friend OWNS a freaking island here. Apparently, this lake is ranked No. 1 in the U.S. for summer vacation destinations. Screw the Hamptons, this island is...


Japanify: Twice-Cooked Saba (Mackerel)

Frying has always been something I was afraid of. I remember my grandma frying whole fish in a huge wok of oil. It took brawn and a fearless attitude toward unpredictable flying specks of oil traveling at high speeds. I will never be half as...


ReCPY: Fishcake Frenzy (Kamaboko + Chikuwa)

Fishcakes, such as the Homo Sausage, chikuwa and kamaboko, are some of my favorite foods. It usually weirds people out in the States because of its "processed" figure; but I really enjoy its chewy, rubbery texture, and its flavor of the sea. I've always...


Japanify: Wakasagi Smelt in Nanban Sauce

Smelt. Fried, they are a great accompaniment to a pint of beer. Grilled and served with a bowl of white rice, they complete a Japanese breakfast. They also win the Cheap Bastards' Choice Award, since they average $3.50/lb. The "Wakasagi" variety of smelt were introduced...


Japanify: Soft-Shelled Sacrifice

I admire killers. I admire butchers, mongers, soldiers and... Dexter. I admire them for the balls and boobies they possess to kill with confidence--without squealing or being a hesitant little sissy. They don't do things like "name" their kill--like I did...


ReCPY: Azul Restaurant (MIA)

I went to Miami for my birthday this year. I didn't do much besides reading, lounging by the pool, drinking piña coladas, and eating. It was 90˚F every day, sunny, dry, and my allergies disappeared while I was there. For...


Skankynavia: A Real Man's Wet Lunch

We don't have that many traditions left in our royal kingdom of Denmark, and the European Union is certainly making a big effort trying to convert the entire countries of Europe into one gigantic, bland mess. The EU is just like throwing...


Japanify: Ankimo (Monkfish Liver)

Ankimo, or monkfish liver, when steamed, is considered a delicacy in Japan. The creamy texture is not unlike a fine pate. Ankimo is to be eaten in tiny bites and is an excellent accompaniment to sake or shochu. The first time I...


Japanify: Simmered Mackerel in Miso

For those who are curious to eat more responsibly in the seafood arena, mackerel is an ideal option. For the rest of us who don't care about being responsible, mackerel is also an ideal option because of its salty-savoriness that's addictive and a...


Japanify: How to Clean a Sardine

I love sardines - canned or fresh. My addiction started as a child when my mother would serve sardines from a can with a dab of kewpie mayonnaise. Packed with protein and fun to eat, they are also better for big blue because...