Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

MOTOism: Bara-Chirashi Extreme

Last week, Sakura wrote about chirashi sushi in London, a dish you can find at many Japanese restaurants throughout the world. I grew up in Kansai so when I was young, our chirashi (called bara-chirashi or gomoku chirashi) consisted of cooked root vegetables like...


Japanify: Grilled Sanma

When the persimmons and matsutake start populating the markets in Japan, so do the sanma (Pacific Saury). They are so abundant, they are practically giving them out for free. For less than 100yen per fish, it's the most economical choice to...


MOTOism: Let's Fillet a Fluke

Fish is still something a lot of people are scared of in the States. Heads, guts, scales, filleting -- there are a lot of processes involved before you can eat a piece of fish. It is the same process for meat or poultry, and I am...

5 Days in Tulum (MEX)

For my birthday this year, I went to Tulum, Mexico with Johnny. It was our first trip we would be taking together and it took ages to decide where to go. Buenos Aires? Mexico City? CUBA??? I hadn't taken a tropical vacation in forever,...

Postcard from Tulum: Mixed Cóctel

Hola from Tulum, Mexico! It has been an unforgettable trip: snorkling with turtles, hiking around ruins, biking around town, beach bumming. And eating! This photo of my shrimp, oyster and octopus coctél (cocktail) was taken at a local seafood joint. The avocado was neon green!...


Japanify: Maguro Zukedon

My partner Washi recently got a job as a salaryman. This may not seem that odd until you consider the fact that he is living in Berkeley, California and to qualify as a salaryman, you are usually employed by a Japanese corporation....

Ika no Shiokara (Fermented Squid)

By Kenji Miura Shiokara is a fantastic savory condiment to your favorite glass of shochu. This particular shiokara is made with surume ika (Japanese Common Squid or Pacific Flying Squid). INGREDIENTS 5 fresh squid 2 tbsp salt METHOD 1. Clean the squid. (Here's how via


NAOE Restaurant, A Miami Gem

I was in Miami for Thanksgiving, listening to salsa music while eating turkey, which was great. Last Thanksgiving, I had a steak in Fort Lauderdale, but this year we had a very traditional Thanksgiving meal, with nontraditional music accompaniment. Since Thanksgiving Day's meal looks the same no...