Sake Quiz: Find Your Sake Match

How to Make Cold Mugi-cha (Barley Tea)

Growing up in Cupertino, mugi-cha (barley tea) is something my mom would always have on the ready, in the fridge. After a long bike ride around the neighborhood with friends, mugi-cha on ice was a thirst quencher that signaled the summer.  Mugi-cha has a roasted, nutty,...


Japanify: How to Make Matcha

The first time I learned how to make matcha was from my grandmother, Baba-chan, in Tokyo. I was in second grade when she first showed me how to make matcha. I quickly forgot about it when I moved back to California in...

Coffee + Tea Month @ Umami Mart

Happy October! The air is a bit crisper, the leaves, brighter. What better way to get ready for the colder months than to cozy up with coffee and tea? We'll be celebrating the mighty bean and tea leaf all month, with...


Japanify: Yuzu Ginger Tea

It's that time of the year, when my well-windowed apartment gets really cold and I have to bring out multiple space heaters to supplement the un-strategically placed central heater that seems to whisper lukewarm puffs of air. Luckily, my Zojirushi water boiler and warmer just arrived in...

Happy Hour

Happy Hour: Good Morning Heartache

Being out of the country for nearly a month has a tendency to adjust a person's perspective of "home." Home has had various meanings and geographical locations in various moments in my life. Conceptually, it means numerous--and sometimes conflicting--things at...