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The PDT Project

The PDT Project: Apple Daiquiri

When it comes to knockoffs and variations, perhaps no cocktail has been the subject of more unflattering imitations than the classic Daiquiri. As with most cocktail crimes, the origins of these transgressions trace back to Prohibition, when an...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: Algonquin

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy." --Dorothy Parker The Algonquin Round Table is the popular name of a small group of young writers, actors, and comedians in New York City who met daily at the

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: Airmail

Once you understand basic cocktail recipe structure (without going off on too deep a tangent, it boils down to two general categories: sours and aromatics, first outlined in detail in The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks by...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: Aguila Azteca

According to Aztec tradition, the eagle warriors were an elite unit of the Aztec army, considered the most brave and fearsome. They mostly comprised of the bravest noble-born men of Aztec society, but commoners who displayed notable courage on the...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: Absinthe Drip

In the universe of consumer products, the spirits category is perhaps the most beset with mysticism, misinformation, and consumer ignorance. And there is no spirit more shrowded in mystery and mysticism than absinthe. Much of the modern misinformation involving spirits is perpetuated by the PR...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: 100 Year Punch

The 100 Year Punch is a cocktail that features a couple of unique ingredients that highlight the Korean heritage of its creator, Daniel Eun (who also created the #8 cocktail). Baekseju (also spelled Bek Se Ju) or “100 Year Wine,” is a rice and...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: 21st Century

Last week I wrote about the classic 20th Century cocktail, and this week we move into modern times with the 21st Century. The 21st Century is Jim Meehan’s tequila-inspired update on the 20th Century which he created when he was a bartender at Audrey Saunders’

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: 20th Century

The 20th Century is a cocktail created in the 20th Century (1937 to be exact) by C.A. Tuck (I don't know what C.A. stands for--Cocktail Aficionado perhaps?). It first appeared in the Cafe Royal Cocktail Book written by William J. Tarling, and is named...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: 212

  Aisha Sharpe and Willy Shine, the founders of Contemporary Cocktails, created this refreshing springtime drink. The name is both a reference to the classic Manhattan area code as well as a clever play on proportions. 212 2 oz Partida Reposado Tequila 1...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: #3 Cup

The #2 drink in the PDT Cocktail Book is the #3 Cup. If you like the Pimm’s Cup, then you cannot pass up this one, which appeared on the PDT menu in the spring of 2009. Created by former PDT bartender Gerry Corcoran, the drink's...

The PDT Project

The PDT Project: #8

  "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao-tzu And thus begins the first step. The PDT Project officially kicks off with the #8 cocktail, a boozy tequila-based delight. Created in the fall of 2008 by former PDT bartender Daniel...