Umami Mart Registry

Our Diamond Cut glassware line is one of our most popular for a reason. These handsome drinkware and mixing glasses with the traditional hatched pattern look good in any home or bar. And because they're made in Japan, they're top-notch quality to boot.

So is it crazy that we're offering our entire Diamond Cut line on sale for 30% off? Perhaps. But, we're doing it anyway. Why? Because we know you'll love it! Sale includes 6-Pack Toyo-Sasaki Hard Strong Diamond Cut Rocks, Old Fashioned, Sake Flute, and High Ball glasses, as well as our Diamond Cut bitters bottles, Diamond Cut Glass Cobbler ShakerDiamond Cut Mixing Glasses, and Seamless Diamond Cut Mixing Glasses.

30% discount is for 6-Packs of Diamond Cut glasses only (not individual glasses), but applies to individual bitters bottles, shaker, and mixing glasses.

Sale ends Sunday, May 22 (unless we sell out before then)!